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4 Factors: Getting Back In Shape

4 Factors That Impact Your Probability of Success

October 9, 2017

The Four Factors

We've all had those times when we made a choice to change something in our lives, only to fail just a few weeks in. It's tempting to chalk it up to the full moon, stress or just plain life, but the reality is that whether you succeed or fail in your goals usually comes down to these four factors.

1. Time 

The problem: Everybody only has 24 hours in the day, but if you're like most of us, that just doesn't feel like quite enough. You're already juggling a career, your responsibilities at home and a social life, and making time for fitness seems impossible.

The solution: Make time. No matter how many things you already have on your list, if you want to get back in shape and achieve your fitness goals, you're going to have to drop the excuses and make it happen. Figure out how to use hidden time slots like lunch breaks or drop a lower priority off your to-do list completely. Once you carve out those minutes, commit them to fitness. Schedule your training time like you would any other appointment or meeting, and show up on time, every time.

2. Commitment and Willingness 

The problem: William H. Johnson once said, "If it is to be, it is up to me," and he was right. For most people, the main hurdle they have to get over is themselves. If you think you have too many other priorities (go back and reread No. 1), you may start to feel like you have valid reasons to lay on the couch instead of getting in that workout.

The solution: Commit. It's as easy and simple as that. If you really want to get in shape and make fitness a priority, you need to get your mind straight. Remind yourself of all the reasons why you want to do this, and keep going even when you don't feel like it. You don't have to be love every second of it. You just have to do it anyway.

3. Knowledge 

The problem: It's been a long time since you were involved in a fit lifestyle, and it seems like there's a new diet, fitness trend, or magic bullet on every website and around every corner. You don't even know where to begin, and even if you try to do the things that worked when you were in your 20s or 30s, those don't work anymore anyway. You're stuck, and you don't how to take that first step.

The solution: Talk to people who are getting the results you want and do what they do. Asking a 25-year-old how he stays fit isn't going to help you, but talking to a 45-year-old who is in the kind of shape you're looking to model is a good bet. At Fit Old Man, we only work with men over 50, which means we have the knowledge and experience you need to get started.

4. Accountability 

The problem: You don't have anyone checking up on you to make sure you're following through with your plans and making good choices. This could be because you feel vulnerable letting others know your issues and what you want to change about yourself, or it could be just because you're not used to being accountable to and checking in with someone else. Either way, a lack of accountability is a success killer.

The solution: Take the plunge. The cold hard truth is that those who have some sort of accountability system are more likely to achieve success. That's true when it comes to fitness and it's true when it comes to all other aspects of life, too.